
"new Lyrics world is true lyrics website from India here we are uploading new songs lyrics that you can read and feel the music, most of the times we listen to those songs but can't understand what is the meaning of that song or vocal are not clear so that we are creating this website to provide you the new release songs lyrics #newlyrics,#lyrics, #newsongslyrics, #tseres, #tseres lyrics, #hindilyrics, #englishlyrics, #music, #song, #songlyrics


Monday, August 10, 2020

 Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari Lyrics Jubin Nautiyal:| Raaj Aashoo, Murali A | Bhushan Kumar | T-Series
Toss (Lyrics) | Sammy | New Punjabi Song 2020 | White Hill Music
Dil Ko Maine Di Kasam Lyrics | Amaal M Ft.Arijit S,Kumaar | Asim R,Himanshi K| Bhushan K |Arvindr K
Saajna Remix Lyrics | I Me Aur Main | John Abraham, Chitranga Singh,Prachi Desai | FALAK SHABIR

Saturday, August 8, 2020